Blue and green diamond

Hamza Manzoor

Understanding The Significance of Blue and Green Diamonds

Blue and green diamonds

Blue and green diamonds follow separate paths in the world of gemstones being highly appreciated by collectors all around the globe. These diamonds, with tempting color, mean much more than being the symbols of rarity and status; they are the culmination of nature’s wonders. This article is dedicated to the detailed exploration of the fabulous features, background and importance of blue and green diamond and giving you everything you need to know about these outstanding types of gems.

The Science behind Blue and Green Diamonds

The Formation Process

Blue and green diamond is the artificial one that is colored through some geological processes that happen naturally in the diamond. Blue diamonds are synthesized under earth’s crust where pressure and temperature are high. They are formed in the presence of boron which gives them the Blue color that they possess. On the other hand, this internal benefit is the characteristic feature of green diamonds, the color of which is the result of natural radiation during several millions of years which influences its crystal lattice.

The Role of Trace Elements

It is important to note that the intensity of color in these diamonds is determined by the content of the so-called trace elements. For blue diamonds they found the presence of boron is necessary and the quantity of boron determines how blue the diamonds are. In addition, green diamonds may have some inclusion of hydrogen or even nickel in it that is the reason for its green color. Both blue and green diamond contain these elements, which are very rare, and that makes these gems rather valuable.

The Rarity and Value of Blue and Green Diamonds

Market Demand and Availability

The scarcity of blue and green diamonds contributes to high market value of the two rings. These diamonds are unique and hard to find since only a handful of mines currently yield such stones. It is well known that most blue diamonds are mined in South Africa, and more specifically from the Cullinan mine, however, vivid or intense saturation blue diamonds are rather rare. Blue diamonds are very rare and even though green ones are slightly more frequent, the flow of green diamonds comes from Brazil and Africa primarily.

Pricing Factors

The following are some of factors that affect the overall price for blue and green diamonds. The most significant include:

  • Color Intensity: What is more, the higher the value the deeper and the more vivid the color.
  • Carat Weight: He said that large stones are more valuable than small stones and are more financially significant when they are both large and intensely colored.
  • Clarity: But clarity is less valued than color though the former may be considered of greater importance than the latter.
  • Cut: Any type of cutting done to the diamond will bring out the natural color as well as the brilliance.

Prices of blue diamonds are generally high because of their scarcity; some of the blue diamonds have been sold for millions of dollars per carat at sales. As with all things in life, green diamonds are slightly cheaper than blue diamonds, although they remain largely expensive.

The Most Famous Blue and Green Diamonds

The Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond is maybe the most famous blue diamond in the entire world. Weighing 45. estimated to be 52 carats of the deep-blue kind, is considered by most to have undesirable from many a curse. Today it can be seen in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C which is a home to many famous items including this rocket.

The Dresden Green

The most popular green diamond in the world is the Dresden Green diamond which is 41 carats in size. This unusual green jewel, that embraced the greenish hue of newly formed apples, is one of the largest and brightest of the green diamonds known to mankind. It is currently on display in the Green Vault in Dresden Castle in Germany.

Investment Potential of Blue and Green Diamonds

Long-Term Value Appreciation

Purchasing blue and green diamond has not only been a good investment among collectors or people who wish to invest in diamonds. These have slowly gained value in the last few decades especially because of their rarity in the market. These factors include the scarcity of such stones, the increase in the market demand for colored diamonds and the stability of the diamond market.

Portfolio Diversification

Such gemstones as blue and green diamonds are free from many of the drawbacks, which makes the addition of these stones to a portfolio attractive. Unlike stocks or bonds these diamonds are realities that can be inherited from one generation to the other. Thus, it can be assumed that their intrinsic value can rise over time and they can become a profitable addition to any stock portfolio.


Blue and green diamond is not just a jewel; they are a set of unique brilliance that is found in the heart of nature. They are formed with uncommon structures, admirable outlooks and their value for investment makes them so appealing to the collectors and investors. It is therefore for this reason that knowledge of their value as well as their characteristics enable one to fully comprehend or rather understand why these unique diamonds were considered as such.

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